Tulane School of Architecture S09
Professor: Ammar Eloueini
This project questions our current obstinte relationship with the natural environment in favor of a pliable multitudinous relationship and prompts us to engage with the forces and flows of nature from the micro to the macro scale.

The traveling pavilion is designed to operate as an autonomous organism capable of relocation and generation of it's own power for interior lighting and display.  The built form consists of recycled polystyrene covered in an epoxy resin, bonding the material while protecting it from moisture.  The material system has it's own buoyancy, is waterproof and suitable for a marine environment.  Skin composition from the inside out: LED's, thin film transistor, conductive circuit, epoxy resin, recycled polystyrene, epoxy resin, conductive circuit, thin film batteries, and thin film polymer photovoltaics. 


The traveling pavilion is designed to operate as an autonomous organism capable of relocation and generation of its own power for interior lighti Read More
